Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Lamanya , saya telah berehat atau tidak aktif menulis...Minta maaf kepada diri sendiri.

Sejak tahun bila ? 2014, 2015.....sekarang dah 2017 (2 tahun, atau 3 tahun)

Takpelah, masa itu diisi dengan perkara lain yang sangat bermanfaat. Antaranya, :
1. Mendalami ilmu al Quran.
2. Berjumpa dengan ramai sahabat, orang orang baru dikenali, yang turut menyumbang ke arah menjadi manusia, Muslim yang lebih baik, Insya Allah.
3. Hal-hal keluarga, hal anak-anak, hal isteri...

Stop sekejap , sambung nanti

Monday, June 8, 2015

Yesterday I got a new info.

I think, at my niece's wedding ceremony in Banting, I got this info from my relative who stay in Kuala Lumpur. And I regard it as A VERY IMPORTANT INFO, A BIG ONE!

I think I have received one important information which nobody could have described or have reached me so far, until yesterday as truth. I said it as truth because I don't treat other facts before this as truthful if it does not supported by Quran and Hadith.

And I want to put it as short and sharp as below:


Info ini ialah tentang Berita Besar, (Al Mulhamah)

When that war takes place within the next 5-10 years time or even sooner, the world will experience the Malhama or Armageddon which Prophet Muhammad ...

Rententan apa yang berlaku beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, tiada jawapannya. Apabila kapal terbang MAS hilang (MH370) pada bulan Mac 2014, dan seterusnya sebuah lagi ditembak (MH17) pada bulan Jun 2014, masyarakat Malaysia yang tertanya-tanya apa jawapannya, tiada satu jawapan konkrit diterima. Banyak sangat perkara yang tiada jawapannya!

Banyak ayat- ayat Al Quran yang mengingatkan kita tentang Kiamat. Dan banyak juga yang kita mendengar Hadist berkaitan Dajjal dan lain-lain perkara yang berkaitan dengannya.

TAPI, saya tidak pernah mendengar suatu jawapan yang betul-betul logik dan relevan dengan corak kehidupan sekarang ini.

Pada minggu lepas, NGO Sukaguam telah menganjurkan satu Majlis yang dipanggil Dialog PM with NGO : Nothing2Hide di PWTC yang akhirnya kita semua tahu tidak dihadiri oleh YAB PM Najib, sedangkan ramai yang menunggu termasuk Tun Mahathir.

Ini menunjukkan sungguh banyak persoalan yang tidak mahu didedahkan kepada khalayak umum, ia lebih suka ditutup (in hiding) sebab adalah satu yang besar/ yang akan menimbulkan masalah apabila perkara Yang Benar didedahkan. Saya rasa mereka semua tidak mahu rakyat tahu, atau "Rakyat tahu pun, bukan boleh buat apa" Lebih baik, persepsi rakyat disajikan dengan laporan yang direka seolah inilah yang betul dan fakta.

Saya rasa ramai YB Menteri dan orang-orang Besar yang dah tahu, tetapi mereka buat-buat tak tahu. Integriti bukan ramai orang yang sanggup menanggungnya, mereka hanya suka bercakap sahaja.

Info yang saya maksudkan selama ini adalah diperolehi dari kupasan Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein.

Banyak sudah video Youtube dan buku-buku telah ditulis oleh beliau. Cuma tak ramai masyarakat Malaysia kebetulan dapat mengikutinya.


1. Semua kejadian kapalterbang MAS hilang - tidak hilang, dilarikan ke pulau kepunyaan USA dipanggil Garcia.
2. Kapal terbang MAS yang ditembak, melibatkan sengketa antara Russia dan Amerika.
3. Amerika mengikut telunjuk Yahudi.
4. Dajjal sudah ada, tinggal di Pulau Garcia, melakukan arahan dari situ.
5. Peperangan Dunia ke-3 akan tercetus tidak lama lagi, antara 2 kuasa besar ini. Di sebelah pihak,  USA dan Nato dan lawannya Rusiia dan China.
6. Tempat tercetus, di Ukraine; dan di sebelah sini, di Malaysia.
7. Apabila perang dunia ke-3 meletus, semua senjata nuklear akan digunakan. Asap debu nuklear akan menyelubungi 80 % dari bumi dan 80 % manusia akan mati. (80 % hanya menunjukkan ramai, bukan kadar sebenar, sebab itu hanya Allah yang Maha Tahu).
8. Peperangan di Ukraine, sudah tinggal tidak lama lagi.
9. Nanti saya update lagi ya.

I need to come back

As Salam to all readers,

I think I need to come back to write, especially about what happen surrounding us.

The political scenario in Malaysia, as it affects our daily life and of course the what most important, the future of our children here in Malaysia, our beloved country.


Banyak perkembangan telah berlaku sepeninggalan penulisan saya yang terakhir, dulu...

Saya juga telah melalui Fasa bersedih yang lama (Era pekerjaan), ia juga telah berlalu.

Saya telah berjumpa dan bersahabat dengan ramai orang baru, yang merupakan "Hadiah" dari Allah untuk saya, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kedekatan saya dengan Tuhan Yang Maha Mencipta.

Banyak juga prinsip-prinsip hidup yang telah mencorakkan jalan pemikiran saya, yang saya syukuri, bagus-bagus belaka! Ini tidak bermakna tiada yang tak bagus, jika ada nanti saya erase dari libraray yang ada, kita buka chapter baru, sifat baru....sehinggalah tiada yang tinggal, melainkan yang baik-baik belaka.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Perjalanan hidup

Semalam adalah satu hari yang sedih sangat bagi saya, dan air mata tumpah tak tertahan.

Kawan baik saya, En Husin/ Mattin telah pergi meninggalkan dunia selamanya. Saya tak sempat berjumpa dengannya di saat akhirnya.

I will be missing him for all this time onwards.

Semoga rohnya diterima Allah sebagai orang yang beriman dan beramal sholeh.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

From others blog 1


Saturday, January 4, 2014

New phone coming up

Samsung Patent Hints At Galaxy Note 4′s Design http://drippler.com/updates/share/samsung-patent-hints-galaxy-note-4-s-design Via j.mp/drippler_app

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Note 1

Belajar bhs Arab Quran

Setiap hari perbanyakkn vocab baru.

Semakin byk vocab, semakin memahami Al Quran.

Friday, December 6, 2013

From App Tafheem ul Quran

Name The Surah derives its name from the word ashab al fil in the very first verse. Period of Revelation This is unanimously a Makki Surah; and if it is studied against its historical background it appears that it must have been sent down in the very earliest stage at Makkah. Historical Background As we have explained in E. N. 4 of Surah Al-Buruj above, in retaliation for the persecution of the followers of the Prophet Jesus Christ (peace be on him) in Najran by the Jewish ruler Dhu-Nuwas of Yaman, the Christian kingdom of Abyssinia invaded Yaman and put an end to the Himyarite rule there, and in 52S A. D. this whole land passed under Abyssinian control. This happened, in fact, through collaboration between the Byzantine empire of Constantinople and the Abyssinian kingdom, for the Abyssinians at that time had no naval fleet. The fleet was provided by Byzantium and Abyssinia sent 70,000 of its troops by it across the Red Sea to Yaman. At the outset one should understand that all this did not happen under the religious zeal but there were economic and political factors also working behind it, and probably these were the real motive, and retaliation for the Christian blood was just an excuse. Since the time the Byzantine empire had occupied Egypt and Syria, it had been trying to gain control over the trade going on between East Africa, India, Indonesia, etc., and the Byzantine dominions: from the Arabs, who had been controlling it for centuries, so as to earn maximum profits by eliminating the intermediary Arab merchants. For this purpose, in 24 or 25 B. C., Caesar Augustas sent a large army under the Roman general, Aelius Gallus, which landed on the western coast of Arabia, in order to intercept and occupy the sea route between southern Arabia and Syria. (See map of this trade route on p. 111 of The Meaning of the Qur'an, vol. iv). But the campaign failed to achieve its objective on account of the extreme geographical conditions of Arabia. After this, the Byzantines brought their fleet into the Red Sea and put an end to the Arab trade which they carried out by sea, with the result that they were left only with the land route. To capture this very land route they conspired with the Abyssinian Christians and aiding them with their fleet helped them to occupy Yaman. The Arab historians statements about the Abyssinian army that invaded Yaman are different. Hafiz Ibn Kathir says that it was led by two commanders, Aryat and Abrahah, and according to Muhammad bin Ishaq, its commander was Aryat, and Abrahah was included in it. Then both are agreed that Aryat and Abrahah fell out, Aryat was killed in the encounter, and Abrahah took possession of the country; then somehow he persuaded the Abyssinian king to appoint him his viceroy over Yaman. On the contrary, the Greek and Syrian historians state that when after the conquest of Yaman, the Abyssinians started putting to death the Yamanite chiefs, who had put up resistance, one of the chiefs, named As-Sumayfi Ashwa (whom the Greek historians call Esymphaeus) yielded to the Abyssinians and promising to pay tribute obtained the Abyssinian king's warrant to be governor over Yaman. But the Abyssinian army revolted against him and made Abrahah governor in his place. This man was the slave of a Greek merchant of the Abyssinian seaport of Adolis, who by clever diplomacy had come to wield great influence in the Abyssinian army occupying Yaman. The troops sent by the Negus to punish him either warned him or were defeated by him. Subsequently, after the death of the king, his successor was reconciled to accept him as his vice regent of Yaman.(The Greek historians write him as Abrames and the Syrian historians as Abraham. Abrahah perhaps is an Abyssinian variant of Abraham, for its Arabic version is Ibrahim). This man through passage of time became an independent ruler of Yaman. He acknowledged the sovereignty of the Negus only in name and described himself as his deputy. The influence he wielded can be judged from the fact that after the restoration of the dam of Marib in 543 A. D. he celebrated the event by holding a grand feast, which was attended by the ambassadors of the Byzantine emperor, king of Iran, king of Hirah, and king of Ghassan. Its full details are given in the inscription that Abrahah installed on the dam. This inscription is extant and Glaser has published it.(For further details, see E. N. 37 of the commentary of Surah Saba). After stabilizing his rule in Yaman Abrahah turned his attention to the objective which from the very beginning of this campaign had been before the Byzantine empire and its allies, the Abyssinian Christians, i. e. to spread Christianity in Arabia, on the one hand, and to capture the trade that was carried out through the Arabs between the eastern lands and the Byzantine dominions, on the other. The need, for this increased because the Byzantine struggle for power against the Sasanian empire of Iran had blocked all the routes of the Byzantine trade with the East. To achieve this objective, Abrahah built in Sana, the capital of Yaman, a magnificent cathedral, called by the Arabian historians al-Qalis, al-Qullais, or al-Qulais, this word being an Arabic version of the Greek word Ekklesia, church. According, to Muhammad bin Ishaq, after having completed the building, he wrote to the Negus, saying: "I shall not rest until I have diverted the Arabs pilgrimage to it."Ibn Kathir writes that he openly declared his intention in Yaman and got it publicly announced. He, in fact, wanted to provoke the Arabs into doing something which should provide him with an excuse to attack Makkah and destroy the Ka'bah. Muhammad bin Ishaq says that an Arab, enraged at this public proclamation somehow went into the cathedral and defiled it. Ibn Kathir says this was done by a Quraishite and according to Muqatil bin Suleman, some young men of the Quraish had set fire to the cathedral. Either might have happened, for Abrahah's proclamation was certainly provocative and in the ancient pre-Islamic age it cannot be impossible that an Arab, or a Quraishite youth, might have been enraged and might have defiled the cathedral, or set fire to it. But it may well also be that Abrahah himself got this done secretly by his own agent so as to have an excuse for invading Makkah and thus achieving both his objectives by destroying the Quraish and intimidating the Arabs. In any case, whatever happened, when the report reached Abrahah that the devotees of the Ka'bah had thus defiled his cathedral, he swore that he would not rest until he had destroyed the Ka'bah. So, in 570 or 571 A. D., he took 60,000 troops and 13 elephants (according to another tradition, 9 elephants) and set off for Makkah. On the way, first a Yamanite chief, Dhu Nafr by name, mustering an army of the Arabs, resisted him but was defeated and taken prisoner. Then in the country of Khath'am he was opposed by Nufail bin Habib al-Khath'am, with his tribe, but he too was defeated and taken prisoner, and in order to save his life he accepted to serve him as guide in the Arab country. When he reached near Ta'if, Bani Thaqif felt that they would not be able to resist such a big force and feeling the danger lest he should destroy the temple of their deity Lat, too; their chief, Mas'ud. came out to Abrahah with his men, and he told him that their temple was not the temple he had come to destroy. The temple He sought was in Makkah, and they would send with him a man to guide him there. Abrahah accepted the offer, and Bani Thaqif sent Abu Righal as guide with him. When they reached al-Mughammas (or al- Mughammis), a place about 3 miles short of Makkah, Abu Righal died, and the Arabs stoned his grave and the practice survives to this day. They cursed the Bani Thaqif too, for in order to save the temple of Lat they had cooperated with the invaders of the House of Allah. According to Muhammad bin Ishaq, from al- Mughammas Abrahah sent forward his vanguard and they brought him the plunder of the people of Tihamah and Quraish, which included two hundred camels of Abdul Muttalib, the grandfather of the Holy Messenger of Allah (upon whom be His peace). Then, he sent an envoy of his to Makkah with the message that he had not come to fight the people of Makkah but only to destroy the House (i. e. the Ka'bah). If they offered no resistance, there would be no cause for bloodshed. Abrahah also instructed his envoy that if the people of Makkah wanted to negotiate, he should return with their leading chief to him. The leading chief of Makkah at that time was Abdul Muttalib. The envoy went to him and delivered Abrahah's message. Abdul Muttalib replied:"We have no power to fight Abrahah. This is Allah's House. If He wills He will save His House." The envoy asked him to go with him to Abrahah. He agreed and accompanied him to the king. Now Abdul Muttalib was such a dignified and handsome man that when, Abrahah saw him he was much impressed; he got off his throne and sat beside him on the carpet. Then he asked him what he wanted. Abdul Muttalib replied that he wanted the king to return his camels which he had taken. Abrahah said: "I was much impressed when I saw you but your reply has brought you down in my eyes: you only demand your camels but you say nothing about this House which is your sanctuary and the sanctuary of your forefathers." He replied: "I am the owner of my camels and am requesting you to return them. As for the House, it has its own Owner: He will defend it." When Abrahah said that He would not be able to defend it against him, Abdul Muttalib said that that rested between Him and him. With this Abdul Muttalib left Abrahah and he restored to him his camels. Ibn Abbas tradition is different. It does not mention the demand for the camels at all. According to the traditions related from him by Abd bin Humaid, Ibn al-Mundhir, lbn Marduyah, Hakim, Abu Nuaim and Baihaqi, he states that when Abrahah reached As- Sifah (a place situated between Arafat and Taif in the mountains near the sacred bounds of Makkah), Abdul Muttalib went to him and said: "There was no need for you to come so far. You should have ordered us and we would have brought before you whatever you needed." He said: "I hear that this House is the House of peace: I have come to destroy its peace."Thereupon, Abdul Muttalib said: "This is Allah's House. He has not allowed anyone so far to dominate it."Abrahah replied: "We will not return until we have destroyed it."Abdul Muttalib said:"You may take whatever you like from us and return."Abrahah refused to budge and ordered his troops to advance, leaving Abdul Muttalib behind. Leaving the two traditions as they are, one thing which becomes evident is that the tribes living in and around Makkah did not have the power to fight such a big force and save the Ka'bah. Therefore, obviously, the Quraish did not try to put up any resistance. The Quraish on the occasion of the Battle of the Trench (Ahzab) had hardly been able to muster & strength numbering ten to twelve thousand men in spite of the alliance with the pagan and Jewish tribes; they could not have resisted an army 60,000 strong. Muhammad bin Ishaq says that after returning from the camp of Abrahah Abdul Muttalib ordered the Quraish to withdraw from the city and go to the mountains along with their families for fear of a general massacre. Then he went to the Ka'bah along with some chiefs of the Quraish and taking hold of the iron ring of the door, prayed to Allah Almighty to protect His House and its keepers. There were at that time 360 idols in and around the Ka'bah, but on that critical moment they forgot them and implored only Allah for help. Their supplications which have been reported in the books of history do not contain any name but of Allah, the One. Ibn Hisham in his Life of the Prophet has cited some verses of Abdul Muttalib, which are to the following effect: "O God, a man protects his house, so protect Your House; Let not their cross and their craft tomorrow overcome Your craft. If You will to leave them and our qiblah to themselves, You may do as You please." Suhail in Raud al-Unuf has cited this verse also in this connection: "Help today Your devotees against the devotees of the cross and its worshipers." Ibn Jarir has cited Abdul Muttalib's these verses also, which he had recited in his supplication; "O my Lord, I do not cherish any hope from anyone against them except You. O my Lord, protect Your House from them. The enemy of this House is Your enemy. Stop them from destroying Your settlement." After making these supplications Abdul Muttalib and his companions also went off to the mountains. Next morning Abrahah prepared to enter Makkah, but his special elephant, Mahmud, which was in the forefront, knelt down. It was beaten with iron bars, goaded, even scarified, but it would not get up. When they made it face south, north, or east, it would immediately start off, but as soon as they directed it towards Makkah, it knelt down. In the meantime swarms of birds appeared carrying stones in their beaks and claws and showered these on the troops. Whoever was hit would start disintegrating. According to Muhammad bin Ishaq and Ikrimah, this was smallpox, which was seen in Arabia for the first time in that year. Ibn Abbas says that whoever was struck by a pebble, would start scratching his body resulting in breaking of the skin and falling off of the flesh. In another tradition Ibn Abbas says that the flesh and blood flowed like water and bones in the body became visible. The same thing happened with Abrahah too. His flesh fell in pieces and there arose bores on his body emitting pus and blood. In confusion they withdrew and fled towards Yaman. Nufail bin Habib, whom they had brought as guide from the country of Khatham, was searched out and asked to guide them back to Yaman, but he refused and said: "Now where can one flee when God pursues? The split nose (Abrahah) is the conquered; not the conqueror." As they withdrew they were continually falling by the bay and dying. Ata bin Yasar says that all the troops did not perish at the spot; some perished there and others perished by the wayside as they withdrew. Abrahah died in the country of Khath'am. This event took place at Muhassir by the Muhassab valley, between Muzdalifah and Mina. According to the Sahih of Muslim and Abu Da'ud, in the description of the Holy Prophet's farewell pilgrimage that Imam Jafar as-Sadiq has related from his father, Imam Muhammad Baqir, and he from Hadrat Jabir bin Abdullah, he says that when the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) proceeded from Muzdalifah to Mina, he increased his speed in the valley of Muhassir. Imam Nawawi has explained it saying that the incident of the people of the elephant had occurred there; therefore, the pilgrims have been enjoined to pass by quickly, for Muhassir is a tormented place. Imam Malik in Mu'atta has related that the Holy Prophet said that the whole of Muzdalifah is a fit place for staying but one should not stay in the valley of Muhassir. In the verses of Nufail bin Habib, which Ibn Ishaq has cited, he describes this event as an eye witness: "Would that you had seen, O Rudaina, but you would not see, What we saw by the valley of Muhassab. I praised God when I saw the birds, and I feared lest the stones should fall upon us. Everyone was asking for Nufail As though I owned the Abyssinians a debt." This was such a momentous event that it soon spread throughout Arabia and many poets made it the subject of their laudatory poems. In these poems one thing is quite evident that everyone regarded it as a manifestation of Allah Almighty's miraculous power, and no one, even by allusion, said that the idols which were worshiped in the Ka'bah, had anything to do with it. For example, Abdullah ibn Az-Zibara says: "The sixty thousand returned not home, Nor did their sick man (Abrahah) survive on return. Ad and Jurham were there before them, And there is Allah, above the servants, Who sustains it." Abu Qais bin Aslat says: "Rise and worship your Lord and anoint The Corners of the House of Allah between the Mountains of Makkah and Mina. When the help of the Owner of the Throne reached you, His armies repulsed them so that they were lying in dust, pelted with stones." Not only this, but according to Hadrat Umm Hani and Hadrat Zubair bin al-Awwam, the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) said:"The Quraish did not worship anyone but Allah, the Only and One, for ten years (and according to others, for seven years. Umm Hani's tradition has been related by Imam Bukhari in his History and by Tabarani, Hakim, Ibn Marduyah and Baihaqi in their collections of Ahadith. Hadrat Zubair's statement has been related by Tabarani, Ibn Marduyah and Ibn Asakir, and this is further confirmed by the mursal tradition of Hadrat Sa'id bin al Musayyab, which Khatib Baghdadi has recorded in his History. The Arabs describe the year in which this event took place as Am al-Fil (the year of the elephants), and in the same year the Holy Messenger of Allah (upon whom be His peace) was born. The traditionists and historians almost unanimously state that the event of the people of the elephant had occurred in Muharram and the Holy Prophet was born in Rabi al-Awwal. A majority of them states that he took birth 50 days after the event of the elephant. Theme and Substance If Surah al-Fil is studied in the light of the historical details as given above, one can fully well understand why in this Surah only Allah's inflicting His punishment on the people of the elephant has been referred and described so briefly. It was an event of recent occurrence, and everyone in Makkah and Arabia was fully aware of it. The Arabs believed that the Ka'bah had been protected in this invasion not by any god or goddess but by Allah Almighty Himself. Then Allah alone had been invoked by the Quraish chiefs for help, and for quite a few years the people of Quraish having been impressed by this event, had worshiped none but Allah. Therefore, there was no need to mention the details in Surah al-Fil, but only a reference to it was enough so that the people of Quraish, in particular, and the people of Arabia, in general, should consider well in their hearts the message that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) was giving. For the only message that he gave was that they should worship and serve none but Allah, the Only and One. Then, they should also consider that if they used force to suppress this invitation to the truth, they would only be inviting the wrath of God, Who had so completely routed and destroyed the people of the elephants.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Testing Aje Gunakan Blogsy

Ini adalah satu app yg aku baru beli dari Appstore yg memudahkan utuk tulis/update blog kita, hanya drag and drop aje...gambar, video dll

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Anakku Arif ada masalah sakit jaundice, kuning.

Anakku si Arif Luqman, lahir agak pramatang awal, 35 minggu - 36 minggu.

Dan adalah biasa bagi budak dapat sakit kuning.

Kelmarin, apabila diperiksa di Klinik Putrajaya Presint 9, agak tinggi iaitu 220. (Kalau unit lain dibahagi 17, iaitu (12.94).

Semalam dirujuk ke pakar paedetrician di Hospital Putrajaya. Dr kata bagi bayi pramatang adalah biasa dapat prolonged jaundice. 80 % takade masalah cuma 20% mungkin disebabkan masalah tertentu seperti jangkitan kuman, sakit hati (liver), masalah pada tiroid, bentuk sel darah, jadi sebab yg 20 % nih kenalah buat beberapa ujian. Ujian darah dan ujian pada air kencing (nak check samada ada unitrack infection).

Tadi, lepas berbual dgn Rusdi, dia suggest ambil air buah anggur hitam. Ade sedara dia, dari bacaan 220 ke 120 dalam 1 hari je.

Semasa aku google "anggur penyakit kuning" terjumpa satu blog orang ni, http://maz-naz.blogspot.com/2010/08/penyakit-kuningjaundicepetua-dan.html

Monday, September 6, 2010

Gambar-gambar Family

Anak-anak saya dah 5

Baik saya perihalkan anak-anak saya yg dah masuk 5 orang.

1. Aiman Ridhwan bin Yusuff, yang sulung, berumur 11 tahun dah (Darjah 5). Dia lahir pada 12 Ogos 1999.

2. Adib Rasydan (No. 2), Amin Safwan (No.3) , Anis Sakinah (No. 4) dan keluaran terbaru , Arif Luqman (No.5) baru dilahirkan pada 22 Ogos 2010.

Adib Rasydan lahir pada 3 September 2000, Amin Safwan pada 21 November 2003, Anis Sakinah pula pada 9 Oktober 2007.


12 Ogos 1999


3 September 2000


21 November 2003


9 Oktober 2007


22 Ogos 2010


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Artikel ke-2 sambungan berkaitan Shito Ryu Karate Do

Aku terjumpa website ni, bagus juga. Ia menunjukkan siapa orangnya yg menyambung penerusan penjaga Karate Do Shito Ryu dari pengasasnya...dan di sini juga ada banyak link yg berguna....


Monday, August 9, 2010

Rupanya bagus mkn daging kambing nih...


Subject: sumber dari hatiwanita.wordpress.com

Teraphy kambing


cuba lihat kambing. sentiasa tersenyum kan? tenang tak hati?

senyuman membahagiakan baik yang memberi mahupun yang menerima. orang yang mudah tersenyum, sihat tubuh badan dan seterusnya membentuk karektor yang terpuji. itu jugalah antara khasiat minum susu kambing dan makan daging kambing. daging yang sihat kerana sifat kambing yang mudah tersenyum.

kalau ditanya mengapa anak-anak zaman kini walau bijak tetapi sombong dan degil, mungkin salah satu jawabannya adalah kerana banyak disogokkan dengan susu lembu. ehh.. minum susu lembu, kita bawa karektor lembu sebab dna lembu tidak terurai. jadi, tidak hairanlah anak-anak zaman sekarang tinggi IQnya tapi rendah ESQ. apa pepatah melayu kata tentang lembu? B—- macam lembu. masyaallah . nauzubillah.

nak diet? juga amalkan minum susu kambing dan makan daging kambing.

sukar merasa diri dikasihi? juga jawabannya pada susu kambing dan daging kambing. di bawah ini saya masukkan sedikit maklumat tentang kambing.

Kambing sering dikaitkan dengan penyakit darah tinggi. Tetapi hakikat sebenarnya banyak sungguh manfaat, khasiat dan kesan daripada kambing sama ada memakan dagingnya, minum susunya atau digembala sehingga ia digelar terapi kambing.

Salah satu bahan yang terdapat dalam darah yang menjadi punca kepada penyakit darah tinggi dan obesiti ialah kolestrol daripada sumber seperti berikut;

  1. Kolestrol daripada minyak tumbuhan seperti minyak sawit, minyak bunga matahari, minyak soya, minyak jagung dan sebagainya (kecuali minyak zaitun).
  2. Kolestrol daging lembu dan ayam.
  3. Kolestrol tepu daripada makanan laut (kecuali ikan) iaitu sotong, udang, ketam, kerang, siput.
  4. Kolestrol tepu daripada organ dalaman haiwan seperti hati, limpa, perut, usus, dan organ-organ lain seperti telinga, lidah, mata, dan sebagainya.
  5. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti oleh kolestrol tumbuhan seperti keropok lekor, tauhu goreng, taugeh goreng, telur goreng (bahagian kuning telurnya) dan sebagainya.
  6. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti oleh sodium (garam pengawit) seperti daging berger atau daging di restoran makanan segera.
  7. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti Vitamin C seperti daging yang diperah limau atau mengambil herba chitosan (herba slimming) atau kuah laksa yang diperah limau atau amalan meminum jus oren setelah mengambil makanan tinggi protein.
  8. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti karbon seperti ikan bakar, sate atau daging panggang.

Daging kambing tidak memiliki protein yang tinggi, oleh itu ia terkecuali daripada membentuk sebarang ikatan kolestrol akibat amalan pemakanan seperti yang dinyatakan di atas. lalu, ia sangat baik sebagai pengurai kolesterol.

Ikatan kolestrol tepu boleh dicegah sekiranya terdapat Omega 3 di dalam darah, tetapi Omega 3 tidak mampu mengurai kolestrol yang telah terbentuk. Hanya ikatan hidrogen dan karbon (kolestrol lembut) sahaja yang boleh menguraikan ikatan hidrogen dan karbon (kolestrol kasar). Oleh itu, kolestrol yang terbentuk dalam badan tidak boleh diurai dengan sebarang bahan melainkan ia hanya boleh diurai dengan kolestrol kambing sahaja. kerana hanya kambing yang mempunyai kolesterol tetapi kolesterolnya adalah kolesterol pengurai.

Vitamin C dan chitosan yang digunakan untuk menyelaputi protein akan mengakibatkan pembentukan kolestrol yang lebih bahaya sekiranya ia diserap oleh darah. Kandungan kolestrol tepu jenis ini sekiranya terdapat banyak dalam darah akan mengakibatkan masalah jantung. uraikanlah kolesterol  itu dengan kolesterol kambing.

Sodium (sejenis garam) yang digunakan untuk mengawit daging serta untuk menyedapkan rasa daging akan membentuk kolestrol tepu yang halus. Biasanya kaedah ini digunakan untuk membuat daging berger. Selain itu memakan makanan yang tinggi protein yang dicampurkan dengan perasa makanan seperti Mono Sodium Glitumat (MSG) juga akan membentuk kolestrol tepu yang sangat halus. Ia boleh dipam naik ke bahagian otak dan sekiranya tersekat, ia akan menyebabkan strok.

Pencegah Penyakit Darah Tinggi Dan Obesiti

Kolestrol kambing boleh menguraikan kolestrol dalam darah punca kepada penyakit darah tinggi. Kolestrol kambing yang menguraikan darah yang tercemar dengan kolestrol tepu akan menyebabkan isipadu darah meningkat. Pesakit darah tinggi yang mengambil daging kambing akan mengalami gejala penguraian akibat peningkatan isipadu darah seperti pening.

Walaupun daging kambing bertindak sebagai pengurai protein yang terbaik, tetapi pesakit darah tinggi yang tidak tahan dengan kesan pembongkaran penguraian ini dinasihatkan agar tidak mengambil daging kambing sebagai terapi. Tetapi bagi mereka yang tidak mengalami masalah tekanan darah tinggi dinasihatkan agar mengamalkan pemakanan daging kambing untuk mengelakkan penyakit darah tinggi.

Kolestrol yang gagal dicerna oleh hati akan disimpan dalam bentuk lemak di bawah permukaan kulit. Dalam jumlah yang banyak ia akan menyebabkan masalah obesiti (kegemukan). Pesakit obesiti yang mengambil daging kambing akan mengalami masalah tekanan darah yang tidak stabil dan turut mengalami pening kepala akibat kesan pembongkaran kolestrol tepu oleh kolestrol kambing. Selain itu, daging kambing akan membakar lemak yang berlebihan dalam badan. Kesan pembakaran lemak akan mengakibatkan gejala pembongkaran seperti panas badan, berpeluh dan telinga berdengung.

namun, apabila diteruskan terapi kambing ini sehingga menjadi resonan, kita bukan sahaja sembuh malah karektor menjadi positif kembali kesan pembongkaran asid urik dan angin dari darah dan tubuh.

Mencantikkan Kulit

Dalam daging kambing turut terdapat Vitamin C semulajadi yang tidak teroksida. Vitamin C tidak teroksida amat penting untuk pembinaan dan ketahanan sel kulit. Vitamin C yang tidak teroksida akan menyeimbangkan dan mengurangkan bebanan fungsi hempedu dan mencantikkan kulit.

Pengambilan protein tinggi yang berlebihan akan menyebabkan ia tersimpan di bahagian bawah kulit akan mudah teroksida dan bertindak balas dengan sel kulit untuk membentuk tenaga. Proses ini akan menyebabkan kulit kelihatan hangus dan gelap sekiranya berjemur di bawah sinaran matahari. Vitamin C daripada daging kambing akan memberi lebih ketahanan terhadap kulit daripada bertindak balas terhadap protein yang terkena cahaya matahari.

Mengamalkan memakan daging kambing adalah salah satu cara semula jadi untuk mendapatkan kulit yang putih dan cantik.

Meningkatkan Rasa Kasih Sayang Dan Kegembiraan

Sistem darah  berkaitan dengan kawasan Thalamus . Thalamus berfungsi menjaga kasih sayang. Sistem darah yang sihat dan kuat akan memastikan bahagian Thalamus juga kuat dan membantu mewujudkan perasaan kasih sayang.

Jantung yang menerima kolestrol daging kambing akan lebih lembut dan lancar pergerakannya. Jantung yang lembut akan mewujudkan perasaan yang gembira. Jantung yang lancar pergerakannya akan mudah tersentuh dan terpesona dengan sesuatu yang mengusik perasaannya. Oleh itu ia akan membahagiakan dan mewujudkan perasaan kecintaan.

Mereka yang mengamalkan memakan daging kambing dan minum susu kambing, akan merasa tenang dan gembira dan mudah merasa getaran kasih sayang. Sekiranya anda menghadapi masalah sukar merasai nikmat kasih sayang dan getaran kecintaan, silalah amalkan memakan daging kambing.

Sumber Penjanaan EQ (Emotional Quotient)

Selain kolestrol pengurai dan Vitamin C, kambing juga mempunyai mineral ringan yang amat baik untuk pembentukan sel hati, merangsang rembesan hormon daripada Kelenjar Pineal , Kelenjar Pitutary , Hati , Hempedu , Pankreas , Kelenjar Adrenal  serta hormon pembiakkan ovari dan testis.

Tindak balas logam ringan terhadap keseimbangan hormon dalam badan akan membantu meningkatkan tahap kematangan dan penghayatan seseorang. Mengamalkan memakan daging dan meminum susu kambing akan menjadikan pemikiran bertambah pantas, tajam dan tahap ingatan meningkat. Ketika itu penghayatan dan kematangan akan terbentuk dengan matap atau disebut emotional quotient EQ.

Sekiranya anda mahu anak-anak menjadi bijak insya Allah, amalkan memakan daging kambing atau meminum susu kambing.

Antibiotik Semulajadi

Semua haiwan mengeluarkan peluh yang berbau. Bau ini sebenarnya ialah hormon yang betindak sebagai antibiotik untuk mencegah penyakit. Daging kambing tidak rosak walaupun tidak disimpan dalam peti sejuk kerana penghasilan hormon ini.

Mengamalkan memakan daging kambing dapat menguatkan antibiotik semula jadi tubuh. Mereka yang kerap memakan daging kambing akan terhindar daripada penyakit berjangkitan seperti demam dan selsema.

Pengembala kambing tidak akan berbau badannya terutama di bahagian ketiak jika kerap berada di kandang kambing. Mereka yang mengalami masalah ketiak hangit boleh merawat penyakit tersebut dengan mencuba mengembala kambing.

Pengaruh Karektor

Setiap makanan yang kita makan tidak kira sama ada daging atau tumbuhan akan mempengaruhi karektor kerana di dalam makanan yang bersifat organik tersebut turut terdapat DNA dan RNA yang bersenyawa dengan sel tubuh badan kita untuk memberikan sesuatu manfaat dengan cara memindahkan maklumat diri kepada pemakannya.

Makanan dalam bentuk sayuran akan mempengaruhi sifat enzim manakala makanan dalam bentuk daging akan mempengaruhi sifat karektor organ. Contohnya cendawan yang bersifat parasit, bertindak menyerap tenaga yang tidak baik daripada badan seperti tenaga kanser. Tetapi mengambilan cendawan yang berlebihan akan menyebabkan badan menjadi letih kerana kita kehilangan tenaga. Contoh haiwan pula, misalnya sotong suka mengkaji dan mencuba perkara baru. Di dalam laut sotong bersifat suka mencuba dan kekuatan ingin tahu yang tinggi walaupun memahami ia seuatu yang mudarat. Mereka yang mengamalkan memakan sotong dalam jumlah yang banyak akan bersifat kuat ingin mencuba sesuatu yang tidak pernah dilakukan walaupun mengetahui ia bahaya. Contoh percubaan bahaya sotong ialah gemar meneroka atau masuk ke tempat baru, suka memakan umpan candat secara beramai-ramai. Contoh ayam ialah haiwan ini terlalu kuat cemburu, mengamalkan memakan daging ayam dengan kerap akan menjadikan diri kuat cemburu yang melulu. Daging khinzir pula adalah sebaliknya iaitu tidak tahu rasa cemburu atau malu. Pesakit diabitis yang mengambil insulin (semua insulin berasal daripada insulin khinzir) sudah tidak ada rasa cemburu lagi, sedangkan ketika peringkat awal menghidap penyakit diabitis, tahap cemburunya amat melampau.

Karektor Kambing

Kambing mempunyai karektor seperti berikut;

1. Tegas.

2. Berpendirian.

3. Matang.

4. Berani kerana benar, berani menegakkan keadilan dan kebenaran.

5. Memahami arahan.

6. Gembira dan tahap kecintaan yang tinggi.

7. Tinggi EQ (emotional quotient).

8. Kadar instinct, intuisi, naluri dan gerak rasa yang tinggi.

9. Tersenyum.

Ketegasan kambing dapat dilihat dengan membuat percubaan menarik dan menolaknya. Contohnya kambing yang diikat lehernya dengan tali, apabila ditarik dia akan tegap dan mengundur untuk melawan tarikkan. Jika kita menolak badannya ke belakang, dia akan melawan dan seperti hendak mara ke hadapan. Jika kita berada di sisinya, cuba tolak ke tepi sebelah sana, dia akan rapat ke kita. Jika kita tarik ke arah kita, dia akan menjauhkan kita. Maksudnya apabila kambing berdiri, dia berdiri dengan tegap dan tegas.

Kambing hanya akan bergerak jika diberi arahan dengan ikhlas. Kita boleh arahkan kambing masuk atau keluar kandang, balik ke kandang, jangan makan pokok bunga atau tanaman orang lain, jangan merayau jauh-jauh dan sebagainya. Arahan perlulah berserta dengan hati yang ikhlas dan penuh kasih sayang, insya Allah memelihara kambing amatlah menyeronokkan.

Dakwaan yang menyatakan mengembala kambing menguji kesabaran atau mendidik supaya menjadi seorang yang penyabar rasanya kurang tepat. Kenyataan yang tepat ialah mengembala kambing akan meningkatkan rasa kecintaan, kegembiraan, kepuasan dan penghayatan yang tinggi di samping menjana EQ yang tinggi. Pengalaman sebenar hanya dapat dirasai jika kita mengembala kambing itu sendiri.

Rahsia Janggut Dan Senyuman

Semua kambing berjanggut dan sentiasa tersenyum. Janggut mempunayi banyak rahsia. Salah satunya ialah janggut menyimpan rahsia persahabatan. Bermaksud, mereka yang berjanggut mempunyai kesetiaan dalam persahabatan yang tulus dan ikhlas, bersatu dan bekerjasama dalam kumpulan serta tidak mengkhianati sahabat.

Senyuman ialah rahsia konduktor (dalam bentuk gelombang visual boleh lihat) yang akan mengalirkan kalam hati melalui rasa kasih sayang. Aliran rasa kasih sayang ini akan melancarkan pematuhan gerakan tenaga dalam falsafah Hukum Keseimbangan.

Senyuman ialah satu ciri facial therapy yang akan merawat pelbagai penyakit. Oleh itu, kambing ialah sejenis haiwan yang mempunyai tahap kesihatan yang tinggi dan boleh membekalkan daging yang bersih dan selamat daripada sebarang jenis jangkitan.

Rawatan Penyakit Darah Tinggi

Pesakit darah tinggi dinasihatkan agar tetap mengambil kambing dalam proses merawat penyakit darah tinggi sebegai ketahanan tubuh untuk mengelakkan penyakit ini berulang kembali.

minumlah susu kambing dan makan daging kambing untuk merawat diri dan membentuk peribadi terpuji.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuhan Yang Menentukan...

Al Kisah berlakunya...

1. Mula-mula dapat surat tukar ke JPM (Lateral sahaja, 52)

- Then report duty ke JPM (Fact 1: Semua pertukaran sekarang di JPM melalui BPPSM dulu), jumpa SUB, En. Muktar then Th. Hj. Mohd, bincang-bincang (Fact 2: Di JPM ada 54 Agensi), naik 3 tempat yg ada kekosongan gred 52, antaranya 1)UKAS (Unit Kerjasama Awam - Swasta), 2) JAUHAR, 3)MAMPU - ada 8 kosong.

- (Fact 3: Tahu mengenai UKAS tu ape, JAUHAR macam mana dll). Aku pi jumpa Khalid Bola kat JAUHAR petang semalam, dengar cerita dia.

- Akhirnya antara keputusannya : Pi UKAS - buat projek penswastaan - ada beberapa Sektor di sana.

2. Masuk hari ke-2.

- Pagi-pagi lagi - pi JPM, nak ambil surat. Dimaklumkan belum boleh dapat sebab JPM tengah tunggu resume dari JPA melalui emel. In the mean time, plan nak pi UKAS , nak ambil tahu latar belakang organisasi ni.

- On the way tengah drive, JPA call surat itu dibatalkan. Aku sound kpd pegawai tu, tak patut benda macam ni tak boleh fax atau telefon shj kat cepat tahu, ini keluar surat bertarikh 12hb, efektif 19hb, dapatnya 21hb - ini banyak memalukan saya sendiri dan menyusahkan pihak-pihak yg terlibat spt JPM, UKAS . Dia minta maaf banyak-banyak.

The Moral of the story : Saya pasrah kpd KetentuanNya. He knows Best for me.

Faedah kpd saya:

- dapat maklumat in the process apabila banyak call kawan-kawan. Mereka termasuk Wan Najib, Khalid Bola, Razif, Othman Sepanyol, Bukhari MAMPU.

Lepas ni jumpa PBK jam 2ptg.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Link lagu??

lagu Gadisku ...http://www.index-of-mp3.com/play-music.php?url=http://musik-live.net/play-music-codes.php?src=fs%26name=ROZANA_RADI_VATE_BEQARIA_VATE%26x=101987777%26y=3b2b88b6

Nak dapatkan bahan ilmu ebook dan pdf?

Saya sungguh seronok, memang betul lah link laman web ni memberikan kita download bahan pdf bagi maklumat yg berguna ini. Jadi, suka citalah saya nak berkongsi dengan anda semua. Saya memang sukakan bahan berilmu mcm ebook, pdf dll.

Sila klik link ini ya : http://www.search-ebooks.com/

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Selalu lupa cari di mana settingnya

Di sini cari http://www.blogger.com/blog-formatting.g?blogID=1218780920596919732&saved=true

Setting - Formatting

Macadamia nut from China

Last time, I had the chance to buy some macadamia nuts bags at Baiyun airport (last minute - to finish all my Yuan currency) duriing my trip to Guangzhou, China.

Today, when Othman helped me with my PC technicalities and some installations, I wanted to explain to him about macadamia nuts, brought me to this web link - you may wonder how the tree is look like...http://www.macnz.com/varieties.asp

Avatar - wonderful movie

I got the opportunity watching this movie last night together with my wife. My comment is : This movie is superb! Trailer here : http://www.avatarmovie.com/index.html

Avatar Is Like The iPhone Of Movies THE WEB http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/12/19/avatar-is-like-the-iphone-of-movies/

by Michael Arrington on December 19, 2009 

I’ve seen Avatar twice now, which is saying something when you’re talking about a nearly three hour movie that was released 36 hours ago. But we lined up on Thursday night for the first midnight showing. And then I saw it again yesterday at the TechCrunch screening in San Francisco.

What do I think? I think I’m going to go see it again this weekend at an IMAX theater. Because the movie is awesome in 3D, but I want to see it in 3D on a 50 ft by 70 ft screen. Movies will never be the same after Avatar. Like the iPhone in the mobile world, this movie disrupts an entire industry.

I didn’t know much about the movie until I read an article about it in Wired (more here) on a flight to Europe last week. A movie James Cameron has been working on since 1994, but he had to wait until technology caught up with his dream, and he invented a new kind of camera along the way.

The amazing thing about Avatar isn’t the story – it’s simply a passable tale that’s part Pocahontas, part Dances With Wolves. But it’s a story played by ten foot tall blue people with tails who fly around on miniature dragons and generally kick ass. And suddenly the special effects in every movie you’ve ever seen seem trite in comparison. Jurassic Park type special effects, which seemed so awesome in the 90s, are now laughably dated.

There’s no point in the movie where you can really tell the difference between real imagery and CGI. You become completely lost in the world of Pandora, the setting for Avatar. And if you thought Zoe Saldana was amazing in Star Trek earlier this year, wait until you see Avatar. An entire generation of teenagers are now going to have a lifelong crush on a huge blue woman with a tail named Neytiri.

The movie grossed just $27 million in its first day at the box office, which pales in comparison to Twilight Saga: New Moon ($72 million) and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ($62 million). But don’t forget that Cameron’s Titanic made just $28.6 million on opening weekend. And that movie did ok in the end.

Avatar, like Titanic, is one of those movies you’ll want to see over and over. But don’t wait for the DVD. This is a movie that has to be seen in 3D. And for that you have to go to the theater. Go see it, you’ll thank me later.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Kereta Wira dah keluar wad

Hari kelmarin aku ambil , hari Selasa jam 7 pm , kena bayar berapa, bukan RM800 yg dikatakan ,...sebaliknya RM1,500.00 (mak ooi).

Alhamdulillah, enjin nampaknya bersih (walaupun tak berkilat) selepas diskim, paip cantik ikatannya (spt Bro Ajis ajar), 

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Kereta WIRA masuk wad

Hari ni, 31hb Dis, kereta aku buat hal, berasap hose radiator, temperature naik tinggi, (sampai 3 kali berhenti in short distances), on the way to office, selepas hantar anak aku si Amin Safwan,  ke sesi orientasi masuk darjah 1 di SK Presint 8 (2) and  passed to my wife.

Mujurlah, ada sorang Uncle Chinese bawa jentolak, berhenti , tengok aku tepi jln, kasi air (Minta RM10) , letak air dlm radiator, dan aku terus dpt jln sampak Sri Serdang, workshop Auto Hikmat, katanya boleh siap dlm 4 hari (Selasa petang) - aku nak tukat gasket (engine leaking - dah makan minyak hitam), tukar semua hose (depan belakang, atas bawah ada 4), skim enjin) katanya dalam RM800.

Kalau korek blok, tukar piston ring, piston - up to RM2,500.. (Nanti aku fikir dulu)

In the mean time, satu review baru bagus utk EXORA .>>>>http://www.icars.sg/2009/4424/driven-proton-exora-16-h-line-automatic/,

baru sat tadi aku daftar masuk Club Exorian, EOCF....

Forum Kelab Exorian bagus, berkongsi masalah anda di sini ...http://protonexora.com.my/forum/index.php?board=8.0


Paultan tunjukkan Exora crash test kat Spain:


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Perjalanan yg agak jauh ke Mersing pada 24 Dis 2009

Aku plan asalnya nak ke Batu Pahat, kenduri kahwin staff pejabat, tapi bila wife nak ke Reunion sekolah lama, plan diubah utk balik cepat. Namun, disebabkan perjalanan jauh dan kereta pun agak uzur (dah makan minyak hitam, underpower), plan ke2 akhirnya diubah lagi, balik tidak dicepatkan, balik sampai rumah Hari Sabtu, sekitar jam 11.00 malam. Perjalanan keseluruhan sekitar 800 km .

Putrajaya - Sagil (kaki gunung Ledang) - Air Hitam - Mersing (tidur kat Hotel Sri Malaysia malam Khamis) - Pantai Penyabong (tidur kat chalet) - Pekan - Kuantan - KL - Putrajaya.

Next trip, plan nak ke pulau Sibu, Johor atau pulau-pulau yg cantik pasirnya di Pt. Timur, cuba cari pulau di sini :



Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am going to China

This is a good one website for Malay looking for Muslim food in China....bla bla bla http://malay.cri.cn/muslim/

Monday, November 16, 2009

I am going to China on Disember 2, 2009

My wife and I are going to Guangzhou , then Foshan, the place where my wife will attend the international seminar and presenting a paper. After that we also plan to go Hong Kong.

I plan to go to masjid Huasheng, also known masjid Sa'ad bin  Waqqas.

Some history for you all on how the Muslim preacher came to China long time ago.

Re: the Tomb of Sa'ad bin Waqqas
The Rise and temporary Fall of Islâm in China

During the Tang dynasty (ended 295; A.D. 907) and the Song dynasty (349-678; A.D. 960-1279) foreign trade grew steadily as Arabs, Turks and Iranians took silk, art objects, Chinese porcelain, and other commodities to the Middle East and to Europe, returning with herbs, spices, pearls, and other products of those areas. They became middlemen in a most profitable trade which attracted ever greater numbers for commerce and the propagation of their faith, and as the new traders came to China more Muslim communities were established in the southeast and northwest parts of the country.

These Muslim communities became a strong force in Chinese society. Because these Arab, Turk and Iranian Muslim were law-abiding and self-disciplined citizens of high economic status they were received with respect and friendship by the Han (Chinese) people and were given the confidence and protection of the government. During the Tang and Song dynasties there was no anti-foreign feeling on the part of the government, and the Muslim population was able to increase steadily and move inland. Thus the Chinese and Islâm lived together in harmony and tolerance.

The Yuan dynasty was considered a foreign dynasty because it started under Genghis Khan, whose Mongol forces occupied China, Central Asia, Iran, Arabia, and parts of Eastern Europe. When these areas were divided into various kingdoms, Kublai Khan became the ruler of China and Mongolia, and the founder of the Yuan dynasty. Of the other areas which were for a time under Mongol control, the kingdoms of Central Asia were converted to Islâm.

Throughout the whole area the freedom of travel maintained by the Mongols encouraged great crosscurrents of peoples and cultures -- the Chinese into Central Asia and the Arabs, Turks, and the Iranians into China -- which brought an influx into China of Muslim merchants and also Muslim doctors, scholars, astronomers, astrologers, and high-ranking warriors who were attached to the Mongol army as advisors, military aides, and staff officers. Although the Yuan dynasty was Mongolian, Muslims enhanced their standing by holding positions of military and civil power, and the propagation of the faith was greatly facilitated. According to the eminent Chinese historian Professor Ding Xuewu Ting, over thirty Muslims were high officials at the royal court in Peking, and the governors of nine provinces were Muslims.

Of the many important Muslims at the royal court of the Mongols, Sayid Ajal was the most prominent. Rising through a series of high offices, he became Commander-in-Chief of the Mongolian Expeditionary Forces in Sichuan and was appointed the governor of the province in 671 (A.D. 1272).

Two years later he was transferred to the governorship of Yunnan where his enlightened and glorious rule hastened the spread of Chinese culture into the remote southwest, bringing the Thai and Malay indigenous people of Yunnan, Chinese law, education, and improved agriculture. He did this without prejudice as to race or religion and without forced conversion of the people to Islâm -- on the contrary, there were Buddhist and Daoist temples in Yunnan. Many of the cultural patterns of the present day are due to this great governor whose name is still revered by all the people of Yunnan, Han and non-Han alike. Were it not for his religion, he would long since have been worshiped! in the temples.

The Iranian historian, Rashidu'd-Din Fadlu'llah, in his remarkable history Iami'u't-Tawarikh -- the first volume of which deals with the history of the Mongols -- tells us that

"China during the Mongolian dynasty of Kublai Khan was administered in twelve districts, with a governor and vice-governor in each. Of these twelve governors, eight were Muslims. In the remaining districts, Muslims were vice-governors."

Thus we can imagine the status and importance of Muslims in China during the Yuan dynasty

The Yuan dynasty lasted for roughly ninety years (678-770; A.D. I 279-1368) until it was overthrown and the Ming dynasty was established. During the Ming dynasty -- which ruled almost three centuries, from 770 to 1054 (A.D. 1368-644) -- the Muslims made many great contributions to the life of China, and Islâm continued to occupy its rightful place as a popular religion.

By the beginning of the Ming dynasty Islâm had been in China for seven centuries. The considerable number of Muslims who had settled in China and the conversions that ensued among the Chinese had laid a secure foundation for Islâm, but during those seven hundred years in spite of the overall assimilation of foreign settlers into the Han Chinese mainstream, some Arab, Turkic, Iranian and Afghan Muslims had retained their alien status as a special class which preserved its own language, customs, and manners and was not yet fully integrated with the Han people. Under the Ming dynasty, however, they slowly lost their alien status and became Chinese citizens, and their manner of living was gradually Sinicized.

The most striking example of this process of integration was the adoption of Chinese surnames. Many foreign Muslims who married Chinese wives adopted the name of the wife. In most cases they picked Chinese names which sounded closest to their original names. For example, the surname Ma originally belonged to a prominent Han Chinese family and many historical figures were named Ma. Many Muslim men from the Middle East and Central Asia whose names started with the letter M took the name Ma, partly because of the similarity in sound, and partly because the Muslims love horses and the character Ma stands for horses. Thus so many Muslims of northwest China bear the surname Ma that there is a common saying,

"Nine Ma in ten Muslims."

The Chinese surnames Mo, Mai, and Mu have been adopted by Muslim immigrants whose names were Mohammed, Mustafa, Murad, Masoud. Many of them who found no existing common Chinese surname sounding like their names simply used the Chinese character sounding closest to their name -- Da for Daoud and Tahir; Ha for Hassan; He for Hussein; Ding for Jelaluddin, Shamsuddin, Ghamaruddin; Sai for Said and Sâd; Na for Nasser and Naguib; Sha for Salem, Salih, Sabih; Ai for Issa and Amin.

The Ming dynasty may be called the golden age of Muslims in China, for long years of peace and prosperity brought a flowering of art and culture in which the Muslims participated. Prominent Muslims had taken part in the establishment of the Ming dynasty, and later, in the reign of Yongle from 808 to 836 (A.D. 1405-32), the eminent Muslim statesman Zheng. He was sent by the monarch to establish friendly relations with the countries of the southeast Asia and with India, Arabia, and East Africa. During the Ming dynasty Muslims continued in positions of power, it is even said that the Ming was a dynasty of Muslims. There is even evidence for the claim that Zhu Yuanzhang (Hongwu), the founder of the dynasty, is a Muslim.

It is pointed out that his wife, Empress Ma, was a Muslim Turkic princess from Central Asia, that many of his responsible officials are Muslims, that he never worshiped in a temple after his accession, that he forbade public drunkenness, that he composed the hymn of praise of one hundred words to the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.uh.) which may still be found inscribed in the main mosque in Nanjing, and that historians mention his "strange" facial features, which may have been due to foreign blood as a descendant of a Persian or Arab. At any rate, Muslims were well treated during the Ming dynasty and there was perfect harmony between the Muslim and the non-Muslim Chinese.

The Qing dynasty ruled from 1054 to 1329 (A.D. 1644-1911). This last imperial dynasty of China was not a dynasty of the Han people, but of another smaller Chinese ethnic group that managed to secede from China, the Manchus. The Manchus established by force the Qing imperialism which ruled over the majority of Han, Turkic, Mongolian, and Tibetan people. Their ruthless policy of divide and rule, setting off one group of people against another, meant the beginning of trouble for the Muslims of China. The Qing dynasty, jealous of the influence of the Muslims and fearful of a counterrevolutionary attempt to restore the Ming dynasty, created many incidents to foment anti-Islâmic feeling.

The Chinese Muslims reacted with violence several times and the Qing dynasty retaliated with their army. Since their armies were led and manned by Han soldiers from southeast China, these incidents have led to enmity between northern and southern Han Chinese that until today continues. There were four major so-called Muslim rebellions between 1236 and 1293 (A.D. 1820-76) even though many non-Muslims participated in the revolutionary struggle to free China from the Machu yoke.

The loss of life and property as a consequence of these events was severe.
However with the downfall of the Manchu dynasty the status of the Muslims in China entered a new era in some ways because the founder of the new Republic, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, in his wisdom and foresight, proclaimed that all the components of the Chinese mosaic have equal status in that they are all of a big family.
The Prophet said; A believer, in all his affairs, is envied whether in times of adversity or in luxury, and this is a special feature for believers only. Whenever a believer wallows in luxury, he thanks Allah, and whenever he faces hardship, he commits himself to patience. In all cases, it is good for him. (Muslim)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Merancang nak ke Guangzhou, China

Banyak persediaan perlu dibuat nak ke sini, antaranya dapatkan maklumat/kawan ke seperti :

makanan Islam, kawasan menarik utk dilawati, terjumpalah sorang student Suhair dlm blogspot, belum pasti ada reply.

namun dlm blog dia aku jumpa personality test, rasanya bagus juga aku try....http://www.mypersonality.info/

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rusdi pergi seminar tarikh lahir

Rusdi pernah cerita kat aku yg dia dah pergi seminar mengenal potensi diri melalui tarikh lahir di KL. Dia bayar mahal juga , ratus-ratus juga.

Antara website/ blog yg aku search by ..rahsia tarikh lahir keluar yg ni>>http://rahsia-tarikh-lahir.blogspot.com/

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Adam ajar aku cara paste link google map

Thank You Adam, ....En.Adam alah seorang pegawai yg sama bertugas di CPK, JPA dan pandai mengenai blogspot dll, dan hari ini beliau dah ajar aku cara mudah nak letak link google map dalam blogspot kita. En. Adam juga telah menghasilkan satu blogspot peta ke semua tempat peperiksaan JPA.

So, klik di sini untuk ketahui map ke rumah aku di Presint 9, Putrajaya. For the exact find out No. 12, Jalan P9G/1,...

View Larger Map

Monday, July 27, 2009

Adb - Aku dah balik ke Malaysia

Alhamdulillah, perjalanan travelodge ke Makkah telah selamat sampai...

The trip began on 13 July ended on Saturday's evening, the 26th of July. It took 13 days : 1 night at Negombo, Sri Langka, (near Colombo), 5 days at Madinah, 7 days at Makkah via Jeddah (sholat Jumaat at Masjid Terapung at Jeddah).

Nama Hotel: Di Negombo (Jetwing Blue Oceanic), Madinah (Al Sharq Manazil), Makkah (Safoa and Al Bayti 5).

The best part (among others) were:

1. Sholat dan tawaf depan Kaabah (betul-betul depan mata).

2. Dapat ziarah makam Rasulullah dan para sahabat (It'is real history).

3. Saie between Safa dan Marwah (memang penat dan menguji ketahanan kaki yg bengkak dan labu betis).

Antara peristiwa yg berlaku :

1. Tak sedar semasa tengah tangkap video di dataran luar Masjidil haram - pengawal cuba nak rampas kamera Canon aku, aku kata "La", lari...

2. Ziarah banyak tempat di Madinah dan makkah : antaranya di Madinah : ladang kurma, masjid Qiblatain, Masjid .., di Makkah - ladang unta, (minum susu baru perah), Jabal Uhud, Jabal Tsur, Jabal Rahmah, tempat wukuf dan melonntar di Jamrah,...

Yang utama:

1. Ucapan Allahu Akbar, Wa Lillah Hamdu menyelubungi setiap masa dan ketika semasa di Makkah, terutama ketika tawaf dan Saie, dan doa diberi kekuatan iman untuk bertakwa - melakukan amal makruf dan kekuatan mengelakkan diri melakukan perkara yg salah, dan doa semoga dibersihkan pemikiran, hati dan amalan - menjadi manusia yg terbaik - dengan Contoh peribadi Rasulullah saw...

Peristiwa yg lain :

1. Kejadian hotel terbakar, tingkat 5 , Bilik 503 (bilik Ust. Manaf) di Hotel Safoa di makkah - pada 2nd day tertakhir, kena tukar Hotel lebih baik, Hotel Al Bayti 5.

2. Kejadian menmbuat laporan kehilangan dompet (kena curi) Pak Karim, Senawang...dan mencari kehilangan PakCik Borhan...

3. Yg sedih sikit, ada 1 kotak kurma tertinggal (rasa aku bawah bas) masa nak balik ke airport Jeddah.

...Nanti sambung lagi ya...

Sambung sikit fasal di Colombo

1. Naik tuq tuq - bayar $5 , dengan ayah

2. round bandar Colombo

3. En. Karim, tour guide, nak datang Malaysia bulan 8

4, Beli poskad, gambar Negombo, Catamaran (tradisional fishing boats)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pergi Umrah ke Mekah hari ni

Askum semua...Hari ni saya akan berangkat menunaikan Umrah ke Tanah Suci Mekah. Ini pengalaman pertama kali, (pada umur 40 tahun dah ni).

Syukur dipanjatkan ke hadrat Ilahi Ya Rabbi, atas rezeki/kesempatan yang diberikan. 

Catatan Perjalanan.

12 Julai 2009

- Kumpulkan semua 3 anak lelaki aku, beri RM50 seorang. (Supaya mereka tak sedih/menangis, (ada cerita looking forward to).

13 Julai 2009

- Pagi : Hantar anak-anak 3 orang, Aiman, Adib and Amin pergi e sekolah naik van. Cakap dekat kedua-dua driver, minta tolong ambilkan kedua-dua hala, pergi dan balik sekolah. Dan bayar tambahan kepada Pak Cik Ahmad, RM50 lagi.

- Jam 12 lebih : Bertolak ke KLIA melalui train ERL Putrajaya, (Minta tolong Hafiz dan Ajis tolong hantarkan ).

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Program CPK - JHEOA

Semalam saya buat lawatan benchmarking PTK di Jabatan JHEOA (Orang Asli). Pendek certa, saya tengah mengusahakan satu program lawatan dan bantuan ke perkampungan Orang Asli di Pos Balar, Kelantan yang akan melalui 3 batang sungai dengan 4 wheel drive.

Dikatakan di situ ada air terjun tercantek di dunia ??

Bila saya surf Internet, jumpa beberapa website yg ada gambaran kunjungan ke sana, antaranya seperti di bawah, sila baca sendiri :

1. http://lydecker86.wordpress.com/2008/11/29/pos-balar/

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kembali ke zaman lama bersama Shito Ryu Karate Do

Tadi aku called Sri Mersing (member FERNO) dia ni rupanya ada join Karate Shito Ryu, aku tanya beberapa laman web mengenai Shito Ryu, dia bagi tahu yg ni, banyak link nampaknya

Teringat the late Sensei Nasir...


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Inisiatif belajar lagi blogspot

Baru-baru nih saya ada minta En. Adam ajar saya upload template blogspot dari Internet,

...TQ En. Adam

Dan yg nih seperkara lagi , saya baru belajar letak link bila buat new post (Dapat ilham dari Blog Cikleekawi ) seperti di bawah:

http://rumahrehatbaganlalang.blogspot.com/ (kawan member FERNO)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ilmu RP

RP adalah merujuk kepada Rakan Pembimbing, iaitu satu program latihan yang saya ikuti semasa bekerja di Jabatan Perdana Menteri yg bertujuan melatih para pegawai di pejabat untuk menjalankan peranan sebagai pembimbing rakan sekerja dalam hal-hal kehidupan yang boleh mempengaruhi prestasi kerja seperti masalah hidup, masalah kewangan, keluarga,anak-anak, diri sendiri dan sebagainya. Cara membimbingnya, boleh gunakan kaedah kaunseling.

Tadi, semasa mencari bahan di Internet fasal teori Iceberg terjumpa link fasal teknik hypnosis, ini linknya, bagus juga buat bacaan tambahan.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Lagu Imran Ajmain sungguh syahdu, Tkasih Imran...

Ada 2 lagu yg TERASA sungguh bestnya, ingin ku kongsikan di sini kepada orang ramai yg belum merasai kesyahduan lagu ini , baik dalam penulisan lirik dan terutama suara lembut merdu Imran Ajmain, penyanyinya...

1. Lagu "Seribu Tahun"

Liriknya begini :

Lirik Seribu Tahun - Imran Ajmain Lagu Emil Emilda

Relaku menunggumu seribu tahun lama lagi
Tapi benarkah hidup aku akan selama ini
Biar berputar ke arah selatan ku tak putus harapan
Sedia setia

Relaku mengejarmu seribu batu jauh lagi
Tapi benarkah kaki ku-kan tahan sepanjang jalan ini
Biar membisu burung bersiulan terlelah gelombang lautan
Ku masih setia

Adakah engkau tahu… ini cinta
Adakah engkau pasti… ini untuk selama-lamanya

Relaku menunggumu seribu tahun lama lagi
Tapi benarkah hidup aku akan selama ini… yeah…
Biar berputar ke arah selatan ku tak putus harapan
Sedia setia

Jangan putus harapan… sedia setia……

2. Lagu "Selamat Ulang Tahun"

Liriknya begini :

Yang tulus ikhlas
Ingin sekali sekala dirinya dibalas
Walau hanya dengan dakapan di angin lalu

Yang selalu memberi
Ingin sekali sekala jadi penerima
Cukup dengan salam dan manis doa

Aku ingin kau merasakan hebatnya cinta
Dan leburkan saja serpihan calar derita

Selamat ulang tahun sayang
Kini kau bersayap, pergilah terbang
Rentaslah langit cita cita mu
Harap nanti kita 'kan bertemu

Selamat ulang tahun sayang
Janganlah engkau tak terbang pulang
Ku nanti penuh kerinduan
Selamat tinggal, selamat jalan

Aku hanya inginkan engkau setia
Kerana setia yang mencipta bahagiamu

Friday, February 20, 2009

What I like to do?

To those people out there, who might want to know, --what activities .... that I like to spend on (at this point of time, because people change with time) . I would say, they are :

1. Sportbike riding. ( I ride ER6N - a 650 cc Kawasaki motorcycle)

2. Photography (Almost daily, I take photos and videos with my Canon S5 IS, a semi pro )

3. Pocket PC (I carry along my Dopod U1000 hand phone, it can do a lot more...)

And whenever I ride to somewhere specials, I put my gps, camera and dopod on my tank ( a zipped bag), and when I spot any place or anything interesting, I would stop for a while, take out my camera, take a good focusing, snap and the motorcycle rams away....

Then, I came here, sitting, and write something for U to see....

Monday, February 16, 2009

Siapakah orang yg penting dalam hidup anda?

Bagi saya lah, yg mula-mula mestilah mak ayah kita, isteri kita, anak-anak dalam Kategori 1.

Lepas tu, kawan-kawan baik, sedara mara yg rapat, dalam Kategori 2.

Lepas tu, siapa sahaja lah yg lalu depan kita....yg buat baik kat kita, kita balaslah yg lebih baik...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Make A New Chapter?

2009 has been here for over a month. I have gone round Malaysia, a journey with my 7 Heavens group of er6n members. A trip of 2,000 km. From KL we went up to Perak, Kedah Penang, Perlis; then crossed the Tasik Banding into Kelantan, Trengganu, Pahang then back to Selangor and KL. It was a very enjoyable ride, thanks to my good friends : Syed Aziz, Khalid, Hamdan, Rosli and the supporting members.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Kehebatan Internet

Melalui Internet banyak sungguh kita boleh dapat, apa sahaja, terima kasih kepada semua pihak yg memulakan kajian sehingga terciptalah Internet yg kita dapat gunakan hari ini. Di sebalik itu, inilah karunia Tuhan yg sangat besar, kita seharusnya bersyukur kepada NYA yang telah memberikan kehebatan ini untuk umat akhir zaman menikmatinya, siapa sahaja PATUT mengambil peluang ini untuk lebih mendekati TUHAN. Anda boleh belajar bayak perkara (mendapatkan content)fasal Islam, Quraan dll melalui Internet, antara web site yg bagus :
1. http://www.al-nidaa.com.my/
2. http://www.harunyahya.com/

Dan hari ini, saya belajar satu lagi perkara baru dalam Internet, especially dalam Blogger, iaitu melalui tag, kita dapat explore kawan-kawan lain dlm Blogger yg mempunyai sama minat dengan kita, bukankah ini wonders of internet?...senangnya dapat kawan yg sama minat - dalam dunia beb...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Syukur Ya Rabbi

Alhamdulillah Ya Rabbi, thank You God, setelah sekian lama (lama, 3 bulan lebih) cuti sakit (MC), saya telah kembali semula bertugas di pejabat. Saya mengambil kesempatan memohon berbanyak maaf kepada Boss dan semua rakan pejabat kerana lama sungguh tak datang pejabat nih. Dan terima kasih banyak-banyak kepada semua pihak yg telah menanggung tugas saya di pejabat. Semoga Tuhan membalas jasa baik tuan/puan semua.

Terima kasih juga kepada semua ahli keluarga yg terpaksa menanggung sama kesusahan saya, dan terima kasih atas doa dan kasih sayang Ibu, isteri, anak-anak, mertua, dan keluarga rapat yg menghulurkan bantuan dalam apa bentuk sekalipun.

Sekarang, saya akan mulakan hidup baru, dengan harapan lebih bertenaga dan rancak dari sebelumnya, let's go...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Imbasan perkara-perkara menarik Bulan 7,8, 9 dan 10 tahun 2008

Pada hari ini, Selasa, 7 Oktoktober 2008, barulah saya berkelapangan utk menulis perkara-perkara penting yg telah menimpa saya, dan memberi kesan yg besar terhadap perjalanan hidup saya yg sihat sebelum ni.

1). Pada 30 Jun, saya beroleh sebuah motorsikal superbike yg pertama, yg tak terlintas di kepala saya utk dapat memilikinya, sebuah moto Kawasaki berkuasa tinggi, 650 cc, model ER6N yg baru shj dilancarkan di Malaysia oleh YB Menteri MITI pd 11 Jun 2008, dengan terbinanya kilang Kawa di Shah Alam. Hanya beberapa hari melihat 3-4 buah kedai di sekitar Serdang, Kajang, Bangi saya pun apa lagi terus booking dgn kedai HQ Serdang,kemudian contact bbrp bank spt Agro Bank, BSN utk buat loan. Pada hari Jumaat, pegawai Agro Bank datang ke office, bantu isi borang, hari Isnin dapat duit cash RM28,000 pada pkl 5.45 petang, terus berkejar ke kedai, sampai dekat pkl 7 mlm, terus ambil moto...BKA 3108 (No. istimewa saya, tarikh kahwin). Moto ni dibeli cash pada harge Rm29,000 ++.

2) Pada 27 Julai (Ahad), saya jatuh moto dan patah satu tulang, second metatarsal, tapak kaki kiri yg menyebabkan saya masuk Hospital Putrajaya, tidur 3 malam kat situ, menjalani operation, masuk 3 batang besi kecil (kay wire), dan diberi rehat (MC) mula-mula 14 hari, kemudian another 14 hari, then 42 hari. Dan pada hari ni (7 Oktober 2008) selepas jumpa doktor for the third appt. diberi tambahan 42 hari lagi, (menjadikan lebih 112 hari) - banyak sungguh tu, tak sangka juga....tapi itulah penangan patah jari kaki ni, crack 3 lagi lambat heal, lebih-lebih lagi pada orang dah berumur mcm aku nih. Padahal aku dah urut kaki lebih 10 kali kat Pst Perubatan Tradisional Bangi, tiap-tiap hari makan ubat calcium, jeli gamat, minum susu makan ubat bengkak, tuam air panas...dll, tapi bengkak kaki masih tak surut-surut . Walaubagaimanapun, aku bersyukur kepada Allah, kerana melalui accident nih, aku dapat pengalaman baru, aku rasa hanya orang yg pernah patah shj yg boleh cerita...Pengalaman memperkayakan kehidupan kita, Ye la, setelah hidup hampir 40 tahun nih, 2 bulan lebih bertongkat ke sana sini, memberi keinsafan kepada kita, tentang banyak nikmat Allah yg telah kita kecapi.

Lepas nih aku sambung tulis lagi...la nih aku nak pi Klinik Dr Bek, pakar acupunture kat Shah Alam, cuba cara lain plak... jap lagi klinik tutup pkl 7 ptg, (3.40 pm)

Friday, September 12, 2008

No hp perkara yg penting

Kepada kawan-kawan lama yg dah lama lost contact, ini no hp saya, bolehlah kita jumpa sambil minum, bercerita panjang...0162223108. Ok, pendek aje post nih.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Alhamdulillah, syukur

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya, pada hari ini dalam sejarah, 240708,  saya telah berjaya memiliki sebuah BLOG, BLOG yang saya hasilkan sendiri, BLOG sendiri punye ...

Dan dengan adanya BLOG ini, dapatlah saya mewarnakannya, dengan pelbagai perkara yang PENTING bagi saya, terutama perkara-perkara yang saya SUKAI, AKTIVITI yang saya baru buat/telah buat, PERKARA yang terjadi dalam hidup saya/keluarga saya, CATATAN PENTING yang saya nak kongsi bersama pembaca, TERUTAMA KAWAN-KAWAN yang saya hormati/sayangi DAN KELUARGA saya yang saya KASIHI.

Dalam dunia yang sangat MAJU dalam bidang ICT ini, ada baiknya kita BERKONGSI dengan KAWAN-KAWAN yang lama dah tak berjumpa, seperti kawan-kawan sekolah dulu, mengenai KEHIDUPAN KITA SEKARANG, jika nak bersembang, satu hari pun tak cukup, jadi bolehlah minta mereka MELAWAT BLOG KITA, kan...

TERIMA KASIH kepada PENCIPTA BLOG, semoga anda dapat pahala kebajikan....